Hda took part in a European Partnership Building Activity in Estonia last July called Quality EVS for inclusion. This was a fabulous and very valuable learning experience that gave great inprovement to HDA.
Before going to Estonia, we applied for the first time to be a Hosting, Organising and Sending organisation for EVS (the European Voluntary Service so that we could both send volunteers around the world and receive volunteers to work with us from other countries. Unfortunayely we were turned down and it was obvious was that part of the reason was our lack of experience and understanding of EVS.
Following this PBA, where we learned so much, not only from the facilitation team but also all of the partners from so many different countries, we reapplied and were awarded the accreditation as an EVS centre and we are now very excited to be receiving our first two volunteers from Turkey on 1st March.
Furthermore, the hosts in Estonia were such excellent and professional partners that we have just had another project approved to work with them again.
In addition to this, whilst in Estonia we worked on future projects together and 7 of us there worked on developing a youth exchange between out 7 countries, Wales, Poland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco, Armenia and Ukraine on Mental Health and Wellbeing. We applied for this in the Oct deadline but it was placed on reserve, so we will be reapplying in the Feb deadline. We have also arranged for the Greek partner there to join us in an application on Asylum Seekers integration, so all in all, this PBA has made a huge difference to the work and partnerships for HDA and we were so glad we were invited to join.
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